Hello moderator,
this is my A2 Media Studies blog, I hope you enjoy reading through my process of making 'After Dark' teaser trailer, 'After Dark' poster and 'Profilm' magazine cover.

Beneath you can see my final productions completed on the 18th of April 2012.

My evaluation from the 11th March 2012-18th April 2012.

The Research and planning began on the 20th of June 2011-9th March 2012.

Thank you
Keisha ")

Friday, 30 September 2011

Research & Planning: Monthly Podcast

This is an overview of what I've done in the past month or so.

Research & Planning: Conventions of teaser trailers.

We have decided to produce a teaser trailer, poster and magazine cover. This will be more challenging compared to AS media where we produced a music magazine cover and contents page. A teaser trailer is an advertisement for an upcoming film, by showing montage of clips from the film to sell the product to an audience.

This horror teaser trailer of Saw 3D, is a very well made trailer that has a high use of technological trailer that uses CGI, I know that I cant physical re create this but the conventions are:
  • MPAA (motion picture association of America) warning.
  • Distribution and Production company.
  • Subtitle and a voice over.
  • Montage of clips from the movie with great use of cinematography.
  • Rapid editing.
  • The tile of the film towards the end of the trailer.
  • A website address.
  • Release date.
  • CGI (Computer-generated imagery)

This teaser trailer for Paranormal Activity, is more manageable to produce, due to the realistic cinematography, editing and the technology used  I believe this id be more capable to re create this kind especially with the time management. The conventions of this teaser trailer are:
  • MPAA at the start.
  • Erie music throughout, building tension.
  • Establishing scenes followed by rapid action.
  • Quick use of editing.
  • Release date- with a slug line that adapts with the genre.
  • Blank black screens and subtitles.
  • Montage of shots from the film.
  • Diegetic sound from the clips.
  • Title of the film.
  • Production/ distributor- Paramount 
  • A Website.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Research & Planning: Meeting- Session one,

Me and Lucy.
Today me and Lucy Morton had are very first meeting, were we disgusted the production of our teaser trailer, we came to a decision that we both would benefit working together as we could put our ideas together, We decided on the roles that we are going to take on:
Keisha: Cinematography and editing and sound.
Lucy: Cinematography, Mise-en-scene and sound.

We both came to a decision to share the cinematography and sound elements as we believe we will both benefit from it, and we believe we can work together good and share these roles quiet fairly.

Then Lucy and I had discusion about different types of genre and plot we would like to produce, we have a number of ideas to work around:
  • First Plot: A horror genre where a group of teenagers decided to go on a camping trip down at the woods as a celebration of finishing college, however things turn messy as a mad man 'killer lumberjack' is on the lose in these isolated woods. - a final girl scenario.
  • Our second plot: Yet again a group of teenagers decide to go on a camping trip, there's this old myth about a 'curse of the scarecrow', when friends being provoking the scarecrow in the field, things start to happen during the night and go missing one by one, however a twist is revealed as a friend is to blame.
  • Lastly: a group of teenagers go on a camping trip down the woods, things get heated up as arguments are caused within the friendship group, they decide to split up and call it a night, however bump into a 'killer lumberjack' who seeks to torture and kill them, they attempt to escape to the a old pub, however to come across a nasty surprise.

Research & Planning: Genre,Gender feedback

This source was taken from IMDB top 250 horror titles,   these are the horror films that the public have voted ,  its interesting to find that the majority of top 28 are below the 2000's, this may be because they're looked at as classic horror films such as Nosferatu and Psycho.

I then looked on the-numbers.com, the top grossing horror movies from 1977  up to 2011 today,  it was good that The Blair Witch Project come in at number 7, as it's a similar style that I want to produce in my own teaser trailer, i know that it will appeal to an audience.
Top 20 films by Male viewers.

Top 20 female viewers

Research & Planning: Target audiece of my teaser trailer

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Research & Planning: Questionnaire Results

These are the results from my questionnaires that I gave to an audience, to help me gather information and help me decided what the audience expected from my Teaser Trailer.

Reasearch & Planning: Audience Theories

The 'hypodermic' model
That messages from the media are 'injected' straight into the brain of an audience.

Cultivation theory
How watching television may influence the audience, cultivated on a certain context.

That people are exposed to so much violence in the media, violence no longer makes a strong emotional impact upon them,

Modeling or copycat theory
Modeling or copycat theory is used to explain the influence media has on it's audience. Members of the audience may copy what they have seen characters do on screen, in films or video games.

Uses and gratifications theory
The theory that we focus on the customer and audience rather than the actual message, how we use media rather than what the media's impact is on us.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Reasearch & Planning: Social Networking teaser trailer research

I decided to use a social networking site to collect an audience feedback on what teaser trailer plot would grab their attention and be interested in.

This is the question I asked the audience.

The results where that majority of the audience voted for the 'Curse of the scarecrow' as it's original and would be interesting as they are already familiar with the mad man killer in other films in the industry.

Research & Planning: Questionnaire

This is 1 of 10 Questionnaire's
I've decided to create a questionnaire to collect some information of what an audience wants and expects from a teaser trailer.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Research & Planning: Studio Production Idea's

Warner Bros Pictures: A big conglomerate studio production company, were a range of films are produced a wide range of films, i chose this company because of how successful it's become.
By using the internet to research existing Film studio production company's I decided to use this to help me create my own. Usually Every Teaser Trailer its common to use a studio company and I was thinking of names that I could use for mine:

  • Lightning Pictures 
  • VisionTwist Productions
  • GlobalPicture
  • DarkDreams
  • Darkness 

Friday, 16 September 2011

Research & Planning: Teaser Trailer Interviews

Interview with Angela Pearson On What you expect from a Teaser Trailer
The interesting points that Angela mentioned in the interview were

  • She stated her favorite genre was horror, this useful as the Teaser Trailer I'm going to produce will be horror.
  • I asked her what she thought the difference between a full length and a teaser trailer where, she pointed out that a teaser trailer is usually shorter and doesn't tell you as much information than a full length one as it doesn't include a climax and a ending as it would be pointless going to watch the film, she also added that they use flashing images linked with subtitles or even a voice over, also added that when they produce the teaser trailer then film is still in production.
  • Angela mentioned that main conventions in horror trailer's are low key lighting, isolated settings, that typical storyline where a group of friends get killed off by one or a villan who commits a crime and the recent type where people get torched such as 'Saw' Films.
  • She mentioned that a film would be more appealing to her if a new idea,context was used preferably a supernatural side similar to the film 'Paranormal Activity' rather than a villan, as it comes across more frightening to her.
  • She says that she expects isolation, haunted home or stereotypically set in the woods in the Mise-En-Scene of a Teaser Trailer.
  • Lastly I asked her whats her favorite Horror movie she has watched, mentioning Halloween and Candy Man, however the most affective was The Blair Witch Project as it was that apprehension feeling that your about to see something throughout the film that can scare you the most.
  • By this interview it has helped me to gain an understanding on what an audience feels and looks for when watching a Teaser Trailer, helping me continue to produce my own Horror Teaser Trailer
interview with Lucy Morton on expectatipns from a horror teaser trailer

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Research and Planning: Teaser Trailer Analysis 2

The Orphanage (2007) A Spanish thriller movie, I've decided to analyse this teaser trailer because it brings a lot of tension and I like the narrative of the film. Also the use of editing in the trailer is good and is similar to what I want in my own Teaser Trailer.

The Orphanage is a Thriller/Mystery/Drama and has a certificate of 15, it may frighten some audience with strong frightening images and strong language.

The Audience
The target audience for this film is a 15+, particular aged between 15-30 years of age, as the context of the story can be enjoyed by a wide age range. I believe this film targets both male and female, however it may be more towards women due to the story line that is based on a strong woman who decides to open an orphanage at her old childhood home, however her son disappears, woman may sympathies with this more than a male would. A typical member of the audience may enjoy watching horror films, watching documentaries and reading novels. The use of Andrew Sarris theory works with this, that this genre is recognisable style to draw an existing audience in.

The Teaser Trailer only shows two characters a female that comes across as passive, fragile and frightened, she also seems as a stereotypical house wife as this is shown by the mise-en-scene, there seems to be no male dominant around her however in the film there is, for example the police and her husband that seem active.

There is some element of Todorov's narrative theory used within the trailer with an equilibrium, disruption and a snip it of the climax with peaks and troughs, although there is no equilibrium as there would be no point in watching the film. Also there is a clear theory of 'Final Girl' represented in the trailer, a theory by Laura Mulvey and was adapted by Carol Clover. The final girl has usually shared a history with the antagonist,

Media Language: Cinematography

  • A low angle establishing shot is used, allowing the audience to know the setting and be familiar with this, the low angle may represent that the house is intimidating, an unsafe area to be.
  • A  long shot is used tilting downwards, that could create a suspense as the audience is focusing on this particular shot what they're about to see. 
  • Followed by a long shot with a slight zoom, introducing a woman stood in the kitchen, that seems uncomfortable, this can be highlighted through the low angle too.
  • An eye level  extreme long shot is used afterwards where the doors open, suggesting they are letting the audience know something, there is a soulette of a guy who is knelt center framed, that keeps us focused on.
  • This cuts to a close up of the woman who we saw before, she is pushed left of the frame, the close up suggest that she's an important character and were getting an insight of her.
  • A pan movement is used showing a long shot of  a classroom within the home, highlights this is an orphanage, the pan creates this feeling of a tour around and that us as an audience is getting an insight of the home.
  • A low angle medium close up is then used, she comes across as scared and unaware, as she turns her head the voice over says 'everything around her' meaning theres something wrong that she has to look out for.
  • Followed by another pan showing a long shot of a bedroom, where the door suddenly closes on its own, straight cuts to a long mid shot of inside the bathroom where the door completely closes, it shows an inside shot of the bathroom to highlight that no one is closing it and there's some sort of paranormal happening.
  • An extreme close up of the lady, allowing us to experience her emotion through her facial expression.
  • This then cuts to a long shot of what looks like a shed, the doors slam open and close again
  • Followed by a straight cut to low angle mid shot of a woman, who looks shocked and scared of what she's seen as she backs away from the scene.
  • A quick zoom from a low angle long shot is shown of the woman alone center frame looking alone, feeling insecure that seems to be looking at something beyond the camera's view.
  • Another shot following is a extreme long shot of the woman walking down into a basement, where its dark, her shadow is almost center frame, that could be suggesting that shes not the only one present or alone.
  • A mid shot shows a young girl running towards a door that seems to be wanting help, however is pulled away, the mid shot shows the girls facial expressions more clearly and allows the audience to connect and feel for her.
  • It then flashes to a number of different shots including a medium close up of the woman beneath the water staring directly into the camera, possible begging the audience for help, quickly cutting to a mid shot and a very low angle as she pulls away a floor board suggest she's found something unusual, followed by a medium long shot of a person center frame wearing an unusual mask seems to be stood there, giving the audience a clue for what may be in the film.
  • A curtain is pulled back using a medium close, then cuts to a close up, where you can make out the mask from before also a key, this could signify any clues for the audience and a taster.
  • A close up from almost a worms eye is shown, where she almost seems powerful as she's figured out something as she's holding a card.
  • Towards the end of the Teaser Trailer, there are three shots that are used in between this re occurring edit the first one is a long shot of a corridor that seems very cold and tight framed, then another long shot of a stair case in the house, that's also empty and dark, cuts to another long shot with the same low key lighting  where the woman seems to be stood in the orphans room, where beds are surrounding her, and then a medium close up of the woman, who appears to be possessed or some sort with her facial expression.
Media Language: Sound

  • The Teaser Trailer starts with an instrumental score, that seems slow paced with no beat, creating this mysterious atmosphere.
  • The use of some on screen diegetic sounds are used to create a reality to the film, for example the door sqeaks open or slammed and the child screams.
  • This Teaser Trailer uses a male voice overs, these are common in a horror Teaser Trailer, as it sets a narrative to the images allowing are audience to know whats happening, the use of words matches the shots.
  • As the past of the trailer picks up the score becomes quicker and louder, creating more tension.
Media Language: Mise-en-scene
  • The first shot shown where a big house is shown where low key lighting is used, surrounded by trees, gives this first impression of that typical haunted house where it's almost castle like.
  • When were shown inside the house, the decor seems very looked after and expensive with the glass chandelier and glass windows with artistic pattern to them suggests that they are higher class.
  • When the woman is stood in the kitchen, the white and high key lighting around her almost seems to highlight that she's pure and innocent, however the surrounding area is dark and cold giving the opposite effect, the clothing she's wearing seems informal and stereotypical house wife by the apron etc. 
  • The woman's performance throughout the trailer seems to be on edge and frightened, this tells the audience that the film will be something to be frightened of as you will be apart of the film as much as she is, as were almost seeing it from her eyes.

Media Language: Editing 
  • As the other teaser trailer I analysed it starts with a MMPA warning, telling the audience that the film has been approved for all audiences by the Motion Pictures Association Of America.
  • Cuts to black to a title of the studio company 'PictureHouse'
  • After the first frame, its fades to black with a title frame that is black and white ghostly writing announcing the directors name, who is well known and will sell the film possibly.
  • Following this during the shots fades to black are used, suggesting this dark morbid mood and the genre is a thriller.
  • The editing becomes quicker and more shots are shortened creating a suspense, with quick cuts to black, almost flashing, not giving much away to the audience too.
  • The Films title is released at the end of the Teaser Trailer, following the connotation of what most Teaser Trailers follow, so that the audience will watch the full trailer before knowing the name, also a title frame is used showing the release date, a website and the studio and distributors for the film, allowing people to get more information on the film.

Towards the end of the trailer the use of Kuleshov method is used with a montage of different clips from the movie

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Research and Planning: Teaser Trailer Analysis 1

Insidious Directed by James Wan Distributed by FilmDistrict Studio and released 1st April 2011.

I have decided to analyse this Teaser Trailer because its similar to the genre film I want to produce and uses the same cinematography and editing. I will focus on each element and discuss why they have used it.

The genre:
Insidious is a Horror/Thriller as its rated certificate 15 thematic material, violence, terror and frightening images, and brief strong language. The film keeps you on the edge of you seat throughout and has a great story line too it, which in my opinion, is what a successful horror film needs.

The Audience:

The audience targeted for the Insidious Film Teaser Trailer would be ages 15+, particular between 15-25 years, as its a paranormal Horror/Thriller that most people around this age enjoy for the thrill, most people enjoy watching these types of horrors at the cinema with friends as it creates more a 'buzz'. I'd say the film targets both sex as its story is based around a family situation rather than a specific social gender group. The target audience interests vary from reading magazines, watching TV/Film to playing with the latest technology. 


In the clip above, we get an insight of the plot rather than a 3D view of the characters to identify a certain representation however we see that:
  • The young boy who comes across as the victim in the trailer, is represented in an Innocent way, this may be due to his young age.
  • The family seem to be middle class due to the mise-en-scene (decor)  
  • There is a mix of gender, however the middle aged woman has this representation of fragile, possibly passive shown through a number of shots.

Insidious teaser trailer uses Todorov's theory, as it has an equilibrium, disruption and peaks and troughs, however doesn't give an insight of the new equilibrium or it would be pointless for the audience then to go watch the full movie as they've gave too much away before watching the whole film.
It tells a story of a family who are in search of helping son Dalton who mysteriously fell into a coma one ordinary morning, little do they know that there is much more to this endless sleep than meets the eye, they explore the paranormal and rediscover the past for the key to get their son back.

Media Language: Cinematography

  • A Close Up is used of a young boy who is pushed to the left of the shot, the surrounding is dark and uses a low angle shot, however the boy seems to feel vulnerable or threatened
  • An Extreme Close Up of what it looks like bulbs in lines are shown, this may be a clue or a taster for the audience when watching the full film. 
  • A  Long Shot is then used, showing a glimpse of  the boy lay up in bed, however the shot  seems to be from someone or somethings eyes as its high angle shot at the bottom of the bed.
  • Cuts to a Medium Close Up of the young boy lay in a hospital bed that doctors think is a coma, this shot may be used to give us an insight of the boys life in more depth.
  • Another Medium Close Up follows that zooms in slightly whilst a young woman framed in left hand side of the frame where we are eye level too, possibly creating a sense of reality within the film or we as the audience will try to see things from her view that links to what she's saying.
  • A Extreme Long shot is used to introduce the house, zooming in letting the audience in and know that its an important place within the and where the problem escalates from.
  • A Mid Shot is used of a Man who seems to be confused, this is highlighted by the low angle that seems to have a shallow focus too suggests that he's oblivious to his surroundings and his facial expressions show this too.
  • The Birds Eye View  looking down on the action, she seems small and timid suggesting this is he frame of mind at the time, this shot give the audience a godlike position and suggesting that were looking down on her we should feel sorry for her in someway.
  • This quickly cuts to an extreme close up of eyes that seem dark and unfamiliar this may be used for a dramatic effect. The tight focus requires the audience take extra care and thought. 
  • Quick cuts of A Close up of the little boys foot and a hand mark what we suspect blood on the bed sheets which our main focus is on and a Long Shot of two young girls who are center frame however come across shy by the body language used, and the dark colours surrounding them.
  • Again a number of very quick snip its of shots giving clues to the audience, one of a low angle medium close up of an old woman screaming that seems to be almost touching the camera suggesting she needs the audiences help.
  • A Tracking Long Shot shows the journey through this tight framed and dark hallway building suspense. 
  • Straight Cut to a Medium Close up, highlight the seriousness of the woman who is explaining whats happening to this family.
Media Language: Sound
  • At the beginning of the Teaser Trailer  non-diegeticdiegetic sound of children's laughter that gives it the audience feeling of insecurity of the film.
  • There are scenes where Dialogue of the woman is used however there is a score used in the background showing that that false security still remains.
  • However as the trailer paste speeds the score used becomes sharper and off screen sound of parts of the clips show, making it difficult for the audience to hear the exact words but the paste highlights the characters state of mind.
  • When the tracking is used the sound becomes quiet, almost silent but off screen diegetic sound of a child whispering is heard and the woman explains 'its not your house that is haunted its your son' in this calm voice, suggests she's a trusted character within the film.
  • Followed by a climax of a loud score that almost sounds like a screeching, in need of help.
Media Language: Editing
  • The Teaser Trailer starts with a MPPA warning, telling the audience that its being approved for all audiences to watch by the Motion Pictures Association of America.
  • This then fades to black showing the film distributor studio 'Film District'
  • Quick cuts are used at the start to give the audience a quick peak of a basic explanation of the boy before he was in the coma
  • Fades to black are then used, whilst the boy is in hospital that could represent death, sorrow.
  • Also the Teaser Trailer uses several title frames that are black with white writing on, giving this morbid, ghostly effect that connects to the film, also flashes of the writing that grabs the audiences attention.
Media Language: Mise-en-scene
  • Low key lighting is used throughout the Trailer following the horror conventions, by using this type of lighting, it gives it this dark, haunted feel that works well with all the other types of elements we include in a film to give off this atmosphere in a horror genre.
  • The use of decor all seems to be dark colours representing a dark mood, for example the home doesn't seem welcoming and homely especially for a young child.
  • The performance of all characters shown are not happy, they come across frightened and exhausted within the film and this is shown by the costume and make up too, wearing dull clothing dark clothing suggesting they're almost blending with the decor and that to a certain extent they're losing hope.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Research & Planning Photoshop challenge

This is my Photoshop challenge that I was told to complete, basically it was a tutorial around Photoshop to refresh our knowledge from last year when we used the programme. I decided to use a Horror genre as that's the type of Teaser Trailer I want to produce. Therefore I used the internet to search for Horror film posters and got an idea of what layout they used and began my own on Photoshop I imported a photograph of woods and changed the contrast levels, I then cut our a souloutte of a man and placed it on the layer, using the rubber tool I made sure it was smooth around the shape. I then added text and added drop shadow and a glow to create this ghostly affect. I also used a specific font that they used on the Film posters for cast and crew, then added this at the bottom so that it looked more proffessional.

Research & Planning Regulation and Censorship

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Research & Planning: The Pitch

By producing a pitch it gives me an idea of the steps I need follow throughout the production of my Teaser Trailer.

Research & Planning: The Test

This is a test video that we created in class for our Advanced Media Portfolio, we used the college for our location and was put in groups to create this short story to establish what level were at. In our group we had to discuss a story, we decided a plot where a young girl walking home from her friends gets chased by a suspicious stalker who attacks and steals her bag. We were given a hand held camera and had a choice to use a tripod to shoot from different angles and heights, once we filmed all our shots we then imported this into iMovie to edit our footage, where we cut the shots and added transitions mostly fade to blacks and also effects to create a dark, suspicious atmosphere, for sound we used Garage Band however we run out of time to add the soundtrack, but we used the editing to lower parts of sound on the climax where the girl was tripped also edit it slower.

I think by creating this short film I got a understanding of how iMovie works more clearer however I've had experience with this software as I am an A2 Film student. I think that our stalkers P.O.V shot worked because we don't get to see who it is, but gives the audience an impression something isn't right making them anxious, the use of low key lighting and trees surrounded tell them that their hiding too.
However if we were to do this again, I would add more sound, as the lack of music or affects didn't create as much tension, also not add as many black fades as it was unnecessary. The climax i would of used a better camera positions and shots for the climax where she's tripped too.