Hello moderator,
this is my A2 Media Studies blog, I hope you enjoy reading through my process of making 'After Dark' teaser trailer, 'After Dark' poster and 'Profilm' magazine cover.

Beneath you can see my final productions completed on the 18th of April 2012.

My evaluation from the 11th March 2012-18th April 2012.

The Research and planning began on the 20th of June 2011-9th March 2012.

Thank you
Keisha ")

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Research and Planning: Teaser Trailer Analysis 2

The Orphanage (2007) A Spanish thriller movie, I've decided to analyse this teaser trailer because it brings a lot of tension and I like the narrative of the film. Also the use of editing in the trailer is good and is similar to what I want in my own Teaser Trailer.

The Orphanage is a Thriller/Mystery/Drama and has a certificate of 15, it may frighten some audience with strong frightening images and strong language.

The Audience
The target audience for this film is a 15+, particular aged between 15-30 years of age, as the context of the story can be enjoyed by a wide age range. I believe this film targets both male and female, however it may be more towards women due to the story line that is based on a strong woman who decides to open an orphanage at her old childhood home, however her son disappears, woman may sympathies with this more than a male would. A typical member of the audience may enjoy watching horror films, watching documentaries and reading novels. The use of Andrew Sarris theory works with this, that this genre is recognisable style to draw an existing audience in.

The Teaser Trailer only shows two characters a female that comes across as passive, fragile and frightened, she also seems as a stereotypical house wife as this is shown by the mise-en-scene, there seems to be no male dominant around her however in the film there is, for example the police and her husband that seem active.

There is some element of Todorov's narrative theory used within the trailer with an equilibrium, disruption and a snip it of the climax with peaks and troughs, although there is no equilibrium as there would be no point in watching the film. Also there is a clear theory of 'Final Girl' represented in the trailer, a theory by Laura Mulvey and was adapted by Carol Clover. The final girl has usually shared a history with the antagonist,

Media Language: Cinematography

  • A low angle establishing shot is used, allowing the audience to know the setting and be familiar with this, the low angle may represent that the house is intimidating, an unsafe area to be.
  • A  long shot is used tilting downwards, that could create a suspense as the audience is focusing on this particular shot what they're about to see. 
  • Followed by a long shot with a slight zoom, introducing a woman stood in the kitchen, that seems uncomfortable, this can be highlighted through the low angle too.
  • An eye level  extreme long shot is used afterwards where the doors open, suggesting they are letting the audience know something, there is a soulette of a guy who is knelt center framed, that keeps us focused on.
  • This cuts to a close up of the woman who we saw before, she is pushed left of the frame, the close up suggest that she's an important character and were getting an insight of her.
  • A pan movement is used showing a long shot of  a classroom within the home, highlights this is an orphanage, the pan creates this feeling of a tour around and that us as an audience is getting an insight of the home.
  • A low angle medium close up is then used, she comes across as scared and unaware, as she turns her head the voice over says 'everything around her' meaning theres something wrong that she has to look out for.
  • Followed by another pan showing a long shot of a bedroom, where the door suddenly closes on its own, straight cuts to a long mid shot of inside the bathroom where the door completely closes, it shows an inside shot of the bathroom to highlight that no one is closing it and there's some sort of paranormal happening.
  • An extreme close up of the lady, allowing us to experience her emotion through her facial expression.
  • This then cuts to a long shot of what looks like a shed, the doors slam open and close again
  • Followed by a straight cut to low angle mid shot of a woman, who looks shocked and scared of what she's seen as she backs away from the scene.
  • A quick zoom from a low angle long shot is shown of the woman alone center frame looking alone, feeling insecure that seems to be looking at something beyond the camera's view.
  • Another shot following is a extreme long shot of the woman walking down into a basement, where its dark, her shadow is almost center frame, that could be suggesting that shes not the only one present or alone.
  • A mid shot shows a young girl running towards a door that seems to be wanting help, however is pulled away, the mid shot shows the girls facial expressions more clearly and allows the audience to connect and feel for her.
  • It then flashes to a number of different shots including a medium close up of the woman beneath the water staring directly into the camera, possible begging the audience for help, quickly cutting to a mid shot and a very low angle as she pulls away a floor board suggest she's found something unusual, followed by a medium long shot of a person center frame wearing an unusual mask seems to be stood there, giving the audience a clue for what may be in the film.
  • A curtain is pulled back using a medium close, then cuts to a close up, where you can make out the mask from before also a key, this could signify any clues for the audience and a taster.
  • A close up from almost a worms eye is shown, where she almost seems powerful as she's figured out something as she's holding a card.
  • Towards the end of the Teaser Trailer, there are three shots that are used in between this re occurring edit the first one is a long shot of a corridor that seems very cold and tight framed, then another long shot of a stair case in the house, that's also empty and dark, cuts to another long shot with the same low key lighting  where the woman seems to be stood in the orphans room, where beds are surrounding her, and then a medium close up of the woman, who appears to be possessed or some sort with her facial expression.
Media Language: Sound

  • The Teaser Trailer starts with an instrumental score, that seems slow paced with no beat, creating this mysterious atmosphere.
  • The use of some on screen diegetic sounds are used to create a reality to the film, for example the door sqeaks open or slammed and the child screams.
  • This Teaser Trailer uses a male voice overs, these are common in a horror Teaser Trailer, as it sets a narrative to the images allowing are audience to know whats happening, the use of words matches the shots.
  • As the past of the trailer picks up the score becomes quicker and louder, creating more tension.
Media Language: Mise-en-scene
  • The first shot shown where a big house is shown where low key lighting is used, surrounded by trees, gives this first impression of that typical haunted house where it's almost castle like.
  • When were shown inside the house, the decor seems very looked after and expensive with the glass chandelier and glass windows with artistic pattern to them suggests that they are higher class.
  • When the woman is stood in the kitchen, the white and high key lighting around her almost seems to highlight that she's pure and innocent, however the surrounding area is dark and cold giving the opposite effect, the clothing she's wearing seems informal and stereotypical house wife by the apron etc. 
  • The woman's performance throughout the trailer seems to be on edge and frightened, this tells the audience that the film will be something to be frightened of as you will be apart of the film as much as she is, as were almost seeing it from her eyes.

Media Language: Editing 
  • As the other teaser trailer I analysed it starts with a MMPA warning, telling the audience that the film has been approved for all audiences by the Motion Pictures Association Of America.
  • Cuts to black to a title of the studio company 'PictureHouse'
  • After the first frame, its fades to black with a title frame that is black and white ghostly writing announcing the directors name, who is well known and will sell the film possibly.
  • Following this during the shots fades to black are used, suggesting this dark morbid mood and the genre is a thriller.
  • The editing becomes quicker and more shots are shortened creating a suspense, with quick cuts to black, almost flashing, not giving much away to the audience too.
  • The Films title is released at the end of the Teaser Trailer, following the connotation of what most Teaser Trailers follow, so that the audience will watch the full trailer before knowing the name, also a title frame is used showing the release date, a website and the studio and distributors for the film, allowing people to get more information on the film.

Towards the end of the trailer the use of Kuleshov method is used with a montage of different clips from the movie

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