Hello moderator,
this is my A2 Media Studies blog, I hope you enjoy reading through my process of making 'After Dark' teaser trailer, 'After Dark' poster and 'Profilm' magazine cover.

Beneath you can see my final productions completed on the 18th of April 2012.

My evaluation from the 11th March 2012-18th April 2012.

The Research and planning began on the 20th of June 2011-9th March 2012.

Thank you
Keisha ")

Monday, 12 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 4

How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And Evaluation Stages?

Research And Planning: (Blogger, Prezi, Excel,  Word, Internet , PowerPoint) 

I used Blogger again this year to document all my research and planning for my production, however this year I felt I was more confident and experienced with blogger allowing me to be more creative and adding extra posts.

I used Prezi to produce a Publication Plan for my  Magazine cover 'ProFilm' to present it's target audience. This interactive technology allowed me to be creative in presenting my work in a quick and easy way, as I used this last year.

Microsoft Office Excel was used again this year to produce a production schedule, simply writing a chart of dates and when I was going to complete the task by. This was very useful when producing my teaser trailer, magazine cover and poster.

Microsoft Word was used for scripts for my teaser trailer, also when producing audition posters. With this software I am very familiar with as I have been using it for several years, therefore was quick and easy to use.

The internet was used throughout the whole process and was very useful, I used websites such as YouTube to analyse teaser trailers for codes and conventions, also to research scores that influenced for my own trailer. I also used social networking sites such as Twitter to receive audience feedback. Popular web browsers such as Google helped me to view real media texts such as film magazine and posters. 

PowerPoint was used from the very start of the research and planning  when we produced a pitch for the teaser trailer where I screen grabbed it then uploading onto Blogger also I used this software to present my questionnaire results using pie charts.

Production:  (SLR Camera's, Sony Camera's, Mini-DV Camcorders, iMovie, Garage Band, iShowU, Photoshop)  

Canon SLR Camera was used again this year to take photographs for the magazine cover and poster, due to using them last year I felt that I could experience more with the camera using different settings and lighting etc as a result I had more variety to chose from and the quality seemed much better.

The Mini DV camcorders were used to film the teaser trailer, As I do film studies I already had experience in using them therefore I had an advantage, however I did learn new techniques  in the process for example using the tripod for the majority of the shots to create steady unprofessional shots, also recording numerous takes so that you have a vast choice when editing.

I used a digital camera to take photographs of locations, costumes, make up tests, head model shots and short video's for the location recce's. Using these meant it was easy and quick as they are very portable.

Imovie was used in the production of my teaser trailer 'After Dark', As I was familiar with the software from AS Film Studies I decided to take the role of editor. By using Imovie further I learnt and developed new skills from inserting footage over the green screen to using 'ken burns' effect on edit transitions within the trailer.

Garageband was an unfamiliar software to me, therefore took a little while to get used to. I found it difficult to re create a score that I was influenced by, however with a little patience we produced a score using certain instruments and tweaking it with a more echo effect, that had a great effect on the teaser trailer overall.

IShowU is a technology that I used  last year that has also came in handy this year to show the examiner how I completed certain tasks. Its also important when completing my evaluation too. Although it was used for that it was also helpful for myself just in case i forgot how to do a certain task.

I used Photoshop CS5 to produce my magazine front cover and my poster, I felt like I could be more creative and use different tools this year due to the experience from last year, also this meant that I practically completed it in half of the time I had last year.  

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